Tide Warning - More Fun With Anatomy

More sketching anatomy and practice with proper proportions. Here we have two figures in the same plane, but one is much higher. Proportionately, both figures are the same size, but their varied heights within the picture plane can make it seem as though one figure is larger than the other. Another challenge is representing the clothing materials accurately - so many folds and creases! The cargo ship in the background adds a bit of scale and helps define the edge of the water's surface. The final challenge was the water itself - how to accurately show the water's surface without using the typical stylized horizontal lines, and how to indicate that things continue on below the surface of the water. Apparently, it's all down to technique.

If I came upon this scene in real life, I wouldn't know whether to laugh or call the police. Our unfortunate friend in the water seems to have antagonized the powers that be, resulting in his, uh, interesting predicament. His antagonist, though, doesn't seem to be taking things too seriously, so I wouldn't worry just yet. I mean, it's still another hour before the tide comes in, right?

#art #drawing #sketchbook #fantasy #penandink #coloredpencil #lifedrawing


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