October Sketchbook - Haunted House #5

Here we go, with another contribution to #Inktober or #Drawloween or whatever it is they call it. This is actually #5, and I've gotten behind here because of another project I've been working on, the Halloween Scream Scene. You should click on the link you just passed. If you're looking for haunted house ideas that won't terrify the neighborhood kiddies while still avoiding that groan inducing squee syndrome, then our nefarious works may interest you. They're both creepy and spooky, but without the gore, blood, horror, and terrifying jump scares.

Boy, these #hauntedhouse sketches could fill a neighborhood, couldn't they? This monstrous house stands abandoned deep in the woods. No one recalls who used to live there, only that the house has been there for almost as long as the forest itself.  Nature is slowly swallowing the formal garden and the animals have taken over the halls, but this brick enigma seems defiant, holding on to the last of its dignity in spite of it all. During the day, the house is serene, as if it was sleeping, silently waiting for its master to return. But at night...well, that's another story.

Look closely here and you may catch a glimpse of a shadow stalking the entry hall, and two more playing in the tower. Are they ghosts? Or just a trick of the light? No one can say for certain, not from this distance, but are you brave enough to go in for a closer look?

I only saw a photo of this fascinating house, and I could never find out who took the photo or where the house was or anything. While the original image has been used all over the internet, no one seems to know anything about the structure pictured in it.

If you happen to know what or where this building is, or you can tell me who took the original photo, please leave me a note in the comments. I'd like to find out more about this place. :)


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