
Showing posts from 2018

Sketchbook, 01/07/2018

An experiment in composition called  Have a Drink , drawn with plain old #2 pencil on bright white copy paper. This was not meant to be a finished drawing, only a sketch to illustrate certain principles of composition. In this case, I have used the principle of thirds. There's no real important reason for doing this - just trying to get in some practice.

Sketchbook 01/03/18

Table for Two,  a sketch done with graphite and vine charcoal on 80 lb. cold press paper. There's a certain aesthetic in the functional simplicity of ordinary things - the symmetry of bar stools, the regular perfection of kitchen tiles, even the intentional alignment of sodas on a counter. Our lives as humans seem to be so filled with chaos that we exert extra effort into imposing order on ordinary things, even where order serves no real purpose other than to please the eye. Perhaps it's a calming device, a way of making ourselves feel better about being adrift on a sea of uncertainty.

Sketchbook, 01/01/2018

My latest composition, entitled "Have a Smoke" . Drawn with graphite and PITT charcoal on 80 lb. cold press paper. I don't smoke except for the occasional cigar, so all I can say about this composition is that I've been working at a gas station. I guess staring at tobacco products all day was my inspiration. Maybe I should do a whole series of compositions using only things I find at work. It wold definitely be different. Not that I'm drawing while I'm supposed to be working, you understand. In this case, I took a few pictures on my phone of different items and then went home and recreated the scene in my studio. It's probably not the most awesome art you've seen today, but it's definitely unique.