December Sketchbook: Things You Might See in a Christmas Village

A Festive Facility
This month's theme sounds more like a topic on Family Feud, and that is, things you might see in a Christmas Village.  Now, I'm going to say up front that I won't be doing any Nativity sort of things. I'm not anti-Christian, before you get any ideas. I'm just trying not to put anything too denominational on my blog. I don't want to offend my Muslim, Hindu, Atheist, Wiccan, or Jewish friends. No, when I say Christmas village, I mean a traditional, Norman Rockwell style village with the skating pond and all of that. Nothing overtly religious, the minimal amount of decorated trees, and no blatant images of Santa. Fair enough? (Hey, if you were doing this as a paid contract, you'd get the same sort of requirements, so don't gripe.)

Those of you who follow me, you're welcome to sketch along with me. You can post your sketches and drawings if you like. I'm always happy to meet other artists. And just so you know, we're a nice, quiet group of sophisticates, so you won't find any harsh criticisms, flaming, shaming, or sh*t-posting. If you came to troll or otherwise cause drama and discontent, you will be banned. Period. Artists are a sensitive lot, so be careful with your words.

Hit the "Like" or the "+1" if you know what this little building is or have ever used one. Our "Festive Facility" comes complete with city-folk amenities, like a magazine and a fresh roll o' paper. Just don't expect the seat to be warm...


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