
Showing posts from 2014

Baron Samedi's Top Hat

As you may already know (and if you don't, just keep reading), last year's zombie walk to benefit Feed the Humans was a smashing success. It was the first time that an event of this kind had been scheduled in Chattanooga, and this year, Red Towers Entertainment is determined to do it again. I don't know about the rest of you, but I intend to be there. In fact, I've already made my reservations. So now we come to the subject of proper attire... Rather than fall in line behind the other zombies, I had something more original planned - a Baron Samedi costume. According to Haitian Voodoo, Baron Samedi, also known as Baron Cimetiere or Baron La Croix, is the leader of the Guede clan, powerful Loa with particular links to magic, ancestor worship, and death. The Baron's chief realm of concern is the newly departed, hence the reason why he is known as the Baron of the Cemetery. He is master of the dead, and what more fitting a costume for a zombie walk than a zombie-lo