
Showing posts from March, 2015

Flea Market Finds - Reclaimed Canvas Painting

2015 Image copyright Studio 71   After the Rain , oil painting on 24X36 reclaimed canvas. I discovered this canvas at a thrift store. The original painting depicted a giant vase of gaudy flowers on a mauve background. It was one of those kitschy, mass-produced things that seem to be popular at home stores - technically sound but devoid of any real self-expression. It made me cringe just to look at it. Four dollars later, I put the canvas in my van and took it home. Little did it realize the fate that awaited it... It took more work than I expected to sand down the serious depth of texture the previous painter had left behind, and it took two coats of gesso to completely cover that terrible color scheme. Also, the sanding made the canvas extremely smooth and slick, but in the end, it was worth it. A brand new canvas in this size would have cost me sixty dollars (US) at an art supply house. This one cost me four dollars and a little time, and now resides happily on what used

An Artist in Skyrim: Posthumous Portrait No. 2

Portrait of a Draugr Scourge Lord, Ruins of Fulgunthur, Skyrim This is the second in a series of figures I am preparing for the redraw of the work mentioned in my previous post. This scourge lord wasn't exactly pleased when he discovered me hiding in his crypt. His angry face and the downward turned horns on his helmet make him look like a bull about to charge - which is exactly what he did. Thank Talos for stahlrim arrows. #elderscrolls #skyrim #draugr #zombie #zombieart #fantasyart